SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi Rahul, you have to assign the field as well to another field symbol: DATA : <fs_field> TYPE ANY. loop at <fs_alv_histd> assigning <fs_wa>. ASSIGN COMPONENT 'OIL_DISP' OF STRUCTURE <fs_wa> TO <fs_field>. if <fs_field> = 0 . ==> cod...
loop at lt_data into wa_data. read table lt_result assigning field-symbol(<wa_result>) with table key blart = wa_data-blart. if sy-subrc is initial. add wa_data-hsl to <wa_result>-hsl. else. insert wa_data into table lt_result. endif. endloop. or types: begin of ty_data,...
@文心快码sap loop at group两次分组 文心快码 在SAP ABAP中,使用LOOP AT GROUP BY语句可以对内表数据进行分组操作。当你需要进行两次分组时,通常意味着你首先基于某个字段或字段组合对数据进行分组,然后在每个分组的基础上再进行一次更细致的分组。以下是如何在ABAP中实现两次分组的详细步骤和代码示例。 1. 理解...
LOOP AT lt_table INTO wa_table GROUP BY ( key1 = wa_table-carrid key2 = wa_table-connid ) ASCENDING ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<key3>). LOOP AT GROUP <key3> ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<key3_member>). APPEND <key3_member> TO lt_table_tmp. "处理单行数据 ENDLOOP. cl_demo_output=>displ...
Cause: Illegal parsing of the LOOP field symbol in the body of the loop. Runtime error: ITAB_ILLEGAL_REG Cause: Illegal assignment to the LOOP reference in the body of the loop. Runtime error: MOVE_TO_LOOP_REF Cause: Invalid change of entire table body in the loop Runtime error:...
LOOP AT itab ASSIGNING <fs>. ... ... ... <fs>-fld1 = ’X’. ENDLOOP. Loop ... Assigning is faster than Loop ... Into because when you modify field-symbol, system automatically update data in internal table. 建议在使用时,尽量用Loop…Assigning,因为它速度更快。
itab = VALUE #( FOR i = 1 UNTIL i > 10 ( i ) ). DATA(str) = ``. LOOP AT itab ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs>). str = str && CONV string( <fs> ) && ` `. ENDLOOP. cl_demo_output=>display( str ). ContinueLOOP AT itab - Basic FormLOOP AT itab - GROUP BYENDLOOP...
0 Kudos 2,217 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Yes Suhas.I realised that while debugging. But,why shouldn't we unassign a field symbol of the loop at the end of every iteration when anyway we are assigning it again at the start of every iteration ? Thanks, K.Kiran. </...
seed= CONV i( sy-uzeit ) min =1max =10).DATAmembersLIKEnumbers.LOOPATnumbersINTODATA(line)GROUPBYrnd->get_next( ) ASCENDING ASSIGNINGFIELD-SYMBOL(<group>). out->begin_section( |Group Key: { <group>}| ). members= VALUE #(FOR<wa>INGROUP<group> ( <wa>) ). ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Mao, Using a Field Symbol To assign the contents of the current loop line to a field symbol, specify <result> as follows: LOOP AT ASSIGNING <FS> <conditions>. In each loop pass, the field symbol <FS> points to the table entry read in that ...