Looney Tunes is a series of animated short films by Warner Bros. It was produced from 1930 to 1969 during and at the end of the Golden Age of American Animation alongside its sister series, Merrie Melodies. Looney Tunes originally showcased Warner-owned
The Looney Tunes Video ShowVolume 11 (1985) VHS Elmer Fudd's Comedy Capers (1990) VHS Elmer Fudd (1996) VHS Elmer Fudd (2001) VHS Looney Tunes Special Bumper CollectionVolume 9 (2003) VHS Bugs Bunny (2003) (2020) Blu-ray Bugs Bunny 80th Anniversary Collection, Disc 2 (restored and HD...
Byline: JESSICA MELLORThe Mirror (London, England)
One of the many experiences Gen Z is missing out on is the ceremonious trip to the local VHS emporium to browse the latest arrivals and the dust-collectors, and returning home with one or more plus some overpriced Milk Duds and a pack of that newfangled microwave popcorn. Boutique...