A treasure trove of "lost" animation from Warner Bros., this documentary includes Bugs Bunny, many of the Looney Tunes gang and many others in rare and never-before-seen clips. Wednesday, November 22nd, 2000 49: Chuck Jones: Extremes and In-Betweens - A Life in Animation An American te...
Looney Tunes 50th Anniversary: Directed by Gary Weis, Tex Avery, Robert Clampett, Friz Freleng, Ben Hardaway, Chuck Jones, Robert McKimson, Frank Tashlin. With Eve Arden, Candice Bergen, Mel Blanc, David Bowie. Celebrities are interviewed about the socia
Road Runner, also known as Beep Beep, is a Looney Tunes character created by Chuck Jones and Michael Maltese. Road Runner debuted with his frequent adversary Wile E. Coyote in 1949's "Fast and Furry-ous". To date, 48 cartoons have been made featuring the
Clips DeathWhistle_ImpossiblePie.md Dollface.txt Forever.srt Forever_Reprise.srt ImpossiblePie.md Jaya-vs-Chandra-quiz.md Jaya-vs-Chandra.md KeyedTriads.md Kytheon.md LICENSE LemonSlice.md LifeIsStrange_soundtrack.txt LooneyTunes.txt Moddability.md OpenDoor.srt PaydayCameras.md PineapplePoll READ...
The cel artwork is extremely clean and the colors are pleasingly strong across the entire collection. There aren’t any extras (so much has already been said about Looney Tunes) but this set’s pricetag suggests that Warner is going for value, in which case all I can say is, ...
Made in the late 1980's to celebrate 50 years of Looney Tunes greatness, this special brings together a huge multitude of stars of that decade. Featuring interviews were the actors pretend that the Looney Tunes characters are real people that exist in this world interspersed with clips of old...