A documentary about the one-shot characters in the Looney Tunes cartoon shorts. Released as a special feature on Looney Tunes Golden Collection: Volume 4. Tuesday, November 14th, 2006 75: Behind the Tunes: Sing-a-Song of Looney Tunes A documentary about the songs in the Looney Tunes cartoo...
.mkv /1965 - Chili Corn Corny.mkv /1965 - Just Plane Beep.mkv /1965 - Hairied and Hurried.mkv /1965 - Go Go Amigo.mkv /1965 - Highway Runnery.mkv /1965 - Chaser On the Rocks.mkv /1966 - The Astroduck.mkv /1966 - Shot and Bothered.mkv /1966 - Out and Out Rout.mkv /1966...
gauge augmented with different club types. Energy charges super shots, while items can be applied to other players to ruin their shot. Taking Bugs Bunny et al through courses covered in bear traps and dynamite is a great time and goes some way to justifying the existence of this collection....