33 709 "Treehouse of Horror XXXII" Al Jean's name "That's Al, Jean" is a reference to the ending phrase of Looney Tunes episodes, "That's all, folks!" 710 "The Wayz We Were" The Hyper-Intelligent Cartoon Character captcha screen had pictures of Yosemite Sam and Egghead Jr. on. ...
1961年,《猫和老鼠》系列成为当时最高的动画短片系列,打败了《乐一通》(Looney Tunes)已经保持十六年的记录;这一成功保持到了1962年代彻离开。 LASER-wikipedia2 Mystery Incorporated and The Looney Tunes Show, several episodes the new series brought Tom and Jerry into contemporary environments, telling ne...
LASER-wikipedia2 YOUR MOTHER'S A LOONEY, AIN'T SHE? 你 妈妈 是 个 疯子 对吧? OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Mystery Incorporated and The Looney Tunes Show, several episodes the new series brought Tom and Jerry into contemporary environments, telling new stories and relocating the characters to more...
Mystery Incorporated and The Looney Tunes Show, several episodes the new series brought Tom and Jerry into contemporary environments, telling new stories and relocating the characters to more fantastic worlds, from a medieval castle to a mad scientist's lab. LASER-wikipedia2 1961年,《猫和老鼠》...