The Looney Tunes are back in action inLooney Tunes: Wacky World of Sports, which launches today on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC via Steam, the Epic Games Store and Microsoft Store. Jump into four fast-paced sports with your Loone...
Looney Tunes was a series of comedic animated shorts that ran from 1930 to 1969, and since the original series' end, has occasionally been making a couple more theatrical cartoons, television specials, and a few films like Space Jam, Looney Tunes: Back In Action, and the Space...
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Over 400 fans have voted on the 25 Incredible Tattoos Inspired by Looney Tunes. Current Top 3: Suave Bugs and a Very Colorful Marvin, An Epic Battle Between ...
This has a distinct "Ren & Stimpy" / "Looney Tunes" style, which isn't so common anymore making it exciting to see. It's such a unique short, entirely worth your time. Thanks to Short of the Week for the tip on this. Original description from YouTube... See full article at first...
In July 2009, Warner Bros. Animation announced a new television series based on theLooney Tunes, tentatively titledLooney Tunes: Laff Riot. Conceived after the critical failure ofLoonatics Unleashed, this new series was intended to go back to the Golden Age cartoons in ...
” They could play all these parts. They’re kind of these great character actors in a way, [from] back in the day. I didn’t take it like I’m redefining the history of Looney Tunes by telling them that they lived on a farm and all this stuff. No, it’s just, it’s funny....
The film will be produced by "Harry Potter" producer David Heyman, along with David Katzenberg and "Dark Shadows" scribe Seth Grahame-Smith.