Method 2 – Combining Two XLOOKUP Functions for Multiple Criteria in Excel Case 2.1 – Using XLOOKUP Function Row-Wise then Column-Wise Steps: Select the cell to place your resultant value. We selected cell D11. Insert the following formula in the selected cell or into the Formula Bar. =...
Example 4 – Apply the Excel XLOOKUP Function for Multiple Criteria We have selected a sample dataset of the roll of honor of 5 European leagues. Now, we will set the name of the league and the status as criteria and look for the corresponding Team. ...
It doesn't just look for one thing, it can also search using different conditions. In this article, we'll show you how to combine different criteria to find the perfect match for your data. You'll be amazed by how much you can do with this function! XLOOKUP formula with multiple crite...
It becomes quite quickly obvious that the VLOOKUP function is not built for more advanced criteria, I am not using the VLOOKUP function in this example, to keep the formula as small as possible. Array formula in cell D17: =INDEX($D$3:$D$12,MATCH(TRUE,(B3:B12=D14)+(C3:C12=D15)>...
Example 2: LOOKUP function search for a value with multiple criteria As below screenshot shown, there are duplicate names in different departments. For finding the position of a specific person (says Fred Schuler), you need to match the Name and Department criteria at the same time. Please ...
Learn more about other ways of performing a lookup using multiple criteria. Important notes about the FILTER function If there aren’t enough empty cells to return all the results, Excel will return a #SPILL! error. If array refers to data is in another workbook, that workbook must be open...
If I might criticize the XLOOKUP function a little bit: That’s the only thing that isn’t really solved yet when it comes to the disadvantages of VLOOKUP and INDEX/MATCH. Searching for multiple criteria still works the same way as before: Concatenate the search criteria and insert a new ...
If you can hit CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER consequently then you can eliminate the inner INDEX function. Just write this formula and hit CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER. =INDEX(E2:E16,MATCH(1,(I1=A2:A16)*(I2=B2:B16)*(I3=C2:C16),0)) Generic Array Formula for Multiple Criteria Lookup ...
The Lookup_value accepts only one search criteria or term. To search for multiple criteria, extend the Lookup_value byconcatenating, or joining, two or more cell references using the ampersand symbol (&). In theFunction Argumentsdialog box, place the cursor in theRow_numtext box. ...
For more examples, please seeHow to use XLOOKUP multiple criteria. Double / nested XLOOKUP To find a value at the intersection of a certain row and column, perform the so-calleddouble lookupormatrix lookup. Yep, Excel XLOOKUP can do that too! You simply nest one function inside another:...