If you work with Excel, you probably know how useful the VLOOKUP function is. It allows you to look up a value in a table and return a corresponding value from another column. But did you know that there is a newer and more powerful function called XLOOKUP that can do even more? In ...
If you want to look up a value in a table using one criterion, it’s simple. You can use a plain VLOOKUP formula. But if you want to use more than one criterion, what can you do? There are lots of ways to use several Microsoft Excel functions such as VLOOKUP, LOOKUP, MAT...
VLOOKUP语法格式:VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,range_lookup) VLOOKUP(要查找的值,查找区域,要返回的结果在查找区域的第几列,精确匹配或近似匹配) 相信大家都知道Excel不仅仅是办公必备…
lookup_value:判断的条件值table_array:数据区域col_index_num:在第几列取值range_lookup为 1 时,表示TRUE ; range_lookup为0 时,表示FALSE 延展阅读:Microsoft Excel是微软公司的办公软件Microsoft office的组件之一,是由Microsoft为Windows和Apple Macintosh操作系统的电脑而编写和运行的一款试算表...
【解析】最佳答案lookup value:判断的条件值table_array:数据区域col index_num:在第几列取值range_lookup为 1时,表示T RUE ; range_-loOkup为0时,表示FALSE 结果一 题目 在excel中、=vlookup(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup])是什么意思? 答案 lookup_value:判断的条件值table_array:...
公式:VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup]) 同样是前面表格中查询OPPO的销量,使用vlookup()函数则是这样查询 这里c:d是整个我们需要查询的表格数组,注意我们需要注意我们查询的值必须是整个数组的第一列; 2是我们从匹配条件开始向右数的第几列也就是我们需要返回的值在第几列,如果我们...
Iflookup_valueis smaller than the smallest value inlookup_vector,LOOKUPreturns the #N/A error value. Vector examples You can try out these examples in your own Excel worksheet to learn how the LOOKUP function works. In the first example, you're going to end up with a spreadsheet that look...
④类型:用来指定是要完全符合或部分符合,默认值为TRUE代表部分符合即可。当此参数值为FALSE时,会查找完全符合的值,如果找不到,则返回错误值#N/A。 应用举例: Excel 帮助中 关于HLookUp的说明. HLOOKUP See Also Searches for a value in the top row of a table or anarrayof values, and then returns a...
Iflookup_valueis smaller than the smallest value inlookup_vector,LOOKUPreturns the #N/A error value. Vector examples You can try out these examples in your own Excel worksheet to learn how the LOOKUP function works. In the first example, you're going to end up with a spreadsheet that look...