When (and How) to apply for a new EIN (when EIN Lookup fails) Your EIN or Tax ID number will stay with your business for the life of the company. However, if certain changes are undergone a new EIN needs to be issued. So, if you’re moving forward with any of the below changes...
The requirement of an EIN is not based on where you operate your company, but on how. Specifically, an EIN identifies a business and is used for tax purposes. However, just because you own a business, does not mean you must have an EIN. The law does not require certain business structu...
If you are self-employed and do not have any employees, you are not required to have an EIN. However, if you are a sole proprietor and have employees, you will need to obtain an EIN. Additionally, if you operate as a Limited Liability Company (LLC), you will need an EIN, regardless...
How many NAICS codes can a company have? A business establishment can have one (1) Primary NAICS code, which is determined by the industry that generates the highest revenue or value of shipments. If the establishment engages in multiple activities, it may also have additional Secondary NAICS ...
Armein Z. R. LangiSuhono H. SupangkatITB Journal of Information and Communication TechnologyH.I. Sitepu, C. Machbub, A.Z.R. Langi, S.H. Supangkat, Unohop: efficient distributed hash table with o(1) lookup performance, in: J.I. Agbinya, E. Biermann, Y. Hamam, N. Ntlatlapa, ...