下载地址: https://zaodao.net/312004.html 脚本预设介绍: 一共包含800组视频调色、视频特效、元素叠加、文字特效标题动画预设,要求AE CC 2021或者更高版本,通过AtomX脚本(已包含)调用,可视化操作,需要什么元素直接双击生成即可,十分方便 素材要求: 版 本:AE CC 2021或者更高版本,支持中文版/英文版AE 分辨率:不限...
软件:After Effects 标签:AEAE特效 课时数:101(已完结) 教程简介 课件配套,学习更高效!教程素材文件为您准备好啦,点击右侧下载按钮即可获取哦~ AE软件 0.14KB AE课程素材 665.87MB 已完结(共101节) 正序 学习AE的用途 1、认识AE软件(上)(15:58)试看 ...
6. TheMOSTvalue.Last but not least, FilmTouch Pro gives you more power per dollar than any other film look plugin. (See chart at left.) It is also available inmoney-saving bundleswith Pixelan’s other popular plugins for Adobe Premiere, Sony Vegas, and After Effects. Compare to other fil...
资源数量:3,AE_入门,调色插件 Looks 工具详解-01,调色插件 Looks 工具详解-02,调色插件 Looks 工具详解第2讲
Looks 是Red Giant红巨星一款非常实用简单插件,是打包在Magic Bullet Suite 合集中的调色插件。适用于Adobe的视频编辑软件Premiere,以及合成软件 After Effects中。Looks 2.0 中文单装版由WCOOL整理并分享,插件已
when i downloaded mbl presets it appears in the custom looks folder but in after effects it wont appear and i cant find the preset within ae . When i try opening the preset file by its own ae says "unsupported file type or extension" . Someone help please thanks TOPICS Dynamic...
4-2.使用looks的案例 / 红巨星插件使用教程-AE教程 1-1.介绍插件套装 1-2.介绍插件套装 2-2.magic bullet looks的基础内容 2-3.magic bullet looks的基础内容 2-4.magic bullet looks的基础内容 2-5.magic bullet looks的基础内容 2-6.magic bullet looks的基础内容 2-7.magic bullet looks的基础内容...
第2 课时:课时2:基础02-项目面板-导入素材 15:18 第3 课时:课时3:基础03-合成设置参数 08:41 第4 课时:课时4:基础04-项目预览 27:26 第5 课时:课时5:基础05-AE的素材管理和剪辑功能 09:24 第6 课时:课时6:基础06-PSD文档导入的相关知识点 08:58 第7 课时:课时7:基础07-标准PAL制下的PSD...
1920x1080 After Effects comp looks different than same in Premiere Pro lesliek1 Participant , Apr 14, 2021 Copy link to clipboard I created a composition in After Effects in 1920 x 1080, rendered it and imported it into Premiere Pro. I exported the PP project...
• To scroll through presets in a folder while keeping your eye on the top preview image for comparison,hold the mouse pointer over the right panel then use arrow keys or the mouse wheel. • To increase/decrease the thumbnail image size,use theSizebutton at the bottom of the Effects Br...