1. 1)由第一段第二句Mostofusdobyourlooks,clothing,orpersonality可知,“我们”中的大部分是由于外表,衣服或性格获得的。故正确答案为“Bytheirlooks,clothing,orpersonality”。2)由第二段第一句Manybigcitieshavenicknames,suchasNewYork—TheBigApple,London—TheGreatSmog,andRome—TheEternalCity可知,很多大城市也...
Looks or personality: what drives damselfly male mating success in the wild?Calopteryx splendensboldnessactivitycourtshipbehavioural syndromewild populationUnderstanding the connection between personality and fitness is an important topic in both behavioural and evolutionary ecology. Most of our current knowledge...
Do you have a nickname(呢称)?Most of us do by our looks, clothing, or personality, But for cities, the meaning of their nicknames has much more than that. Many big cities have nicknames, such as New York-The Big Apple, London-The Great ...
instead of flats, or put on too much make-up, when the real problem is that she is boring, or isalways trying to identify with men, or is aslob. Perfecting some single part of her look is not going to have anywhere near as much of an effect as trying to improve her personality. ...
41.F 由第一段中的“Most of us do by our looks, clothing, orpersonality."可知,我们中的大多数人由我们的外貌、服饰或性格而获得昵称。本题句意为“我们中的大多数人只由外貌而获得昵称”,故本题是错误的描述。42.T 根据第二段中的“London—The Great Smog”可知,“TheGreat Smog”是伦敦的昵称,故...
【1】根据第二句Most of us do by our looks, clothing, or personality我们大多数人因为我们的外貌,服饰,或者个性而有自己的昵称。知 Most of us get our nicknames only by our looks我们大多数人只凭外貌获得昵称,是错误的。故答案是F 【2】根据第二段第一句Many big cities have nicknames, such as Ne...
Compared with looks,personality and ability are more important. Because wecant change our looks easily, but we can decide and con-trol what we do. Thanks to the kind and hard-workingpeople, our society is becoming better and better.For example, Ma Yun, a well-known business-man, doesn't...
a简单地说,个人形象也就是一个人的外表或容貌,也是一个人内在品质的外部反映,它是反映一个人内在修养的窗口。社会学者普遍认为一个人的形象在人格发展及社会关系中扮演着举足轻重的角色。人类容貌的改变有一定的理论可做依循,主要取决于人类的遗传基因、年龄和病变等。 Puts briefly, individual image also is a p...