(--lia-font-size-xxs)","textTransform":"UPPERCASE","letterSpacing":"0.5px","__typename":"TagsThemeSettings"},"toasts":{"borderRadius":"var(--lia-bs-border-radius)","paddingX":"12px","__typename":"ToastsThemeSettings"},"typography":{"fontFamilyBase":"Segoe UI","font...
left and right uses and their continued redating as they make more money not finding your startupthen 100 3dtvchannels in 26 year4s as i made not a dime sopfar and they are douing frine yet , this is the future and AI is what it is, their player piano for their favourite song ...
In Hebrew, Naomi means "pleasantness," and in the Old Testament Naomi is Ruth's mother-in-law. It has most commonly been a Jewish name. Modern-day namesakes include British model Naomi Campbell, actress Naomi Watts, and tennis player Naomi Osaka, who won the women's championship at the ...
This means I have fun in Arenas and LTMs, and I hate BR. I hate looting for 10 minutes and getting mowed down because we ran into the Smurf squad with one player who can kill the entire lobby with one eye poked out. I have fun when I'm performing well, but also when...
(--lia-font-size-xxs)","textTransform":"UPPERCASE","letterSpacing":"0.5px","__typename":"TagsThemeSettings"},"toasts":{"borderRadius":"var(--lia-bs-border-radius)","paddingX":"12px","__typename":"ToastsThemeSettings"},"typography":{"fontFamilyBase":"Segoe UI","fontStyleBase":...
Also, while I can handle basic Excel functions and I can copy/paste json to format a column. I'm not a coder. The whole formula based thing with PowerApps and when to select the card vs the field and how to write all those formula have been a real barrier ...
No matter which one I choose, some of my users end up back at the default SharePoint form. At least with the default form I'm assured of a consistent experience regardless of platform or device. Also, while I can handle basic Excel functions and I can copy/paste json to...