Wired StaffPaur
Boeing is "wrestling through" its fixed-price defense and space contracts and expects to begin turning an operating profit in its defense business in 2025, CEO David Calhoun said Wednesday. Quarterly charges have declined over the past 18 months, Calhoun said during the company’s second-quarter...
Davidsaid,“Wearedevelopinganammonia-basedplane.Inprinciple,wecanimproveonanAirbusA320oraBoeing787andessentiallyreplacejetfuelwithammonia.” Davidsaidthatbatteriescould,atfirst,combinesodiumandlithium,assodiumwasnotquiteaspowerfulaslithiumbutismuchmoresufficient.“It’snotquiteperfectintermsofperformance,soweneedboth...
Etihad Airways’ training unit has received European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) approval to train Boeing 777 and 787 pilots on behalf of airlines based in Europe and those outside the continent which follow its safety standards. Etihad Aviation Training, which has 11 full-motion simulators...
n improve on an Airbus A320 or a Boeing 787 and essentially repla ce jet fuel with ammonia.”David said that batteries could,at firs t,combine sodium and lithium,as sodium was not quite as powerful as lithium but is much more sufficient.“It’s not quite perfect in ...