Well, I had to stopsomewhere! The original version of this GIF looped endlessly, which might be fun/interesting as a meme-type image on a social media platform, but looked ridiculous — compulsive and twitchy — when spread across a canvas this grand. Heh.] Per tradition, here’s a play...
“Muppet Show” since the 1950s, but the internet meme sensation didn't begin until 2014. Most notable memes include Kermit sipping on some tea with passive aggressive text followed by “but that's none of my business,” as well as another with a hooded Kermit formatted to show good vs....
[Organic farming] combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for all involved" [10]. According to the EU Council Regulation 834/2007 organic farming "[ . . . ] is an overall system of farm management...