Fast forward, our hilarious Lionel Richie Hello poster still receives hundred of downloads each month! Download and hit print on this printable meme that is perfect for the workplace. Put this up in the breakroom, in the bathroom, or anywhere else permitted*. Hello Lionel Richie Printable Mem...
”“Black Friday specials” and other variations on the t0pic that appeared right after Halloween. I am sure that even those of my readers who live in other parts of the world got at least some exposure to the online manifestation of this favorite American...
We also have several Role Players. We plan out events, currently scheduled on Friday nights, and Sunday, but also love spontaneous role play any day of the week. So we do seek role players as well, who don’t necessarily have to raid, just to have fun! We are still a growing guild,...
When you want a great group of people to hand with but don’t want to wear pants, RALLY is the answer! Guild Atmosphere We have mostly adults here, averaging about 30 in age. We’re still plenty immature at times and we have lots of fun. There’s some dry humor, a meme channel ...
Split the week up into body parts for weight training and cardio. I do Monday - legs/core, Tuesday - chest/back, Wednesday - 3 mile run, Thursday - bi's and tri's, Friday - legs/core or another run. On the days I don't want to think I use the Fittness Blender for whatever bo...
How To Lose Weight Fast in 2 Weeks by admin Would I be able to lose weight in about 14 days? You can utilize way of life changes to expand weight loss more than 2 weeks. An individual ought to have a sensible assumption on the off chance that they put forward an objective to lose...
[Normal] Friday open to anyone 8:30 central to 10:00. We push people to get 1 heroic clear and 1 mythic 10 plus a week done. This is * required for our mythic raiders. As long as there is forging in the game people should be fishing for titanforges. More about the guild: We ...
We are fun and quirky, sometimes we have to be serious but we are always working to improve and most importantly we are here to have fun. What we want from you: Being able to raid 3 days a week for 3 hours a day, preferably Thurs/Friday/Saturday 7pm - 10:00pm Server (ET). ...
For Crits and Giggles is accepting casual players and players that are interested in raiding trying to rebuild our raiding team we are 7/9N BoD and 1/2 Cos. We raid on Friday and Saturdays 8pm to 11pm central time. We are on US-Rexxar Server. We also do achievement runs and mythics ...
Pals for Life|H/Whitemane|Semi Hardcore Raiding Friday+Saturday nights WoW Classic New Guild Listings < Dead > is a semi hardcore (Horde) progression PvP raiding guild that was inspired by a group of real life friends that have been playing World of Warcraft since vanilla was released. We ...