{"__typename":"ForumReplyMessage","id":"message:4034372","revisionNum":1,"uid":4034372,"depth":1,"hasGivenKudo":false,"subscribed":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:ExcelGeneral"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:4034346"},"subject":"Re: looking for help","read...
Your community for how-to discussions and sharing best practices on Microsoft Excel. If you’re looking for technical support, please visitMicrosoft Support Community. Forum Discussion
As global governments and businesses increasingly make bold claims and commitments to tackle the climate emergency, investors are starting to take note by using the ESG framework to move beyond environmental concerns and focus on a company's impact on al
Some of them are even leading the index for several days. This observation indicates that 𝑝𝑑pd has the potential to monitor the market situation. Once the 𝑝𝑑pd changes value, investors must be cautious and pay particular attention to the market fluctuations both of surges and crashes...
I won't argue CPU/GPU performance. Iwillargue that Apple products arenotin a presumably-better league, in very much every metric. Apple products fall down in four places,for business use cases: (1) repairability and warranty support (3-year maximum warranty length; most large businesses these...
If you don’t already have one, you will want to create another VLAN for management purposes. Each Aerohive AP will have its own management IP, which will be used to talk to HiveManager, as well as any other Aerohive APs on the network. The management IP will also be used to make ...
5 Any other business. By order of the Board NOTES Persons Entitled to Notice In accordance with Section 110(2) of the Companies Act Chap. 81:01, the Directors of the Company have fixed November 18, 2019 as the Record Date for the determination of shareholders who are entitled to receive ...
When studying financial markets, traders and investors look for patterns. As we live in a world of rapid change, is there anything from history past, that help us understand the history unfolding around us? The following are 3 major trends that have been developing for decades. They seem to...
methodologies, and possible KPIs that can be considered the basis for a benchmark and score of a fashion product. This topic is crucial to avoid “green washing” and a lack of transparency for the buyer’s community, i.e., business to consumer (B2C), and for the business community, i...