Spices Board, Government of India is looking for Scientist B (Microbiology) job vacanciesSpices Board
McKinsey and Barclays are looking are two leading firms. Currently, the firm is looking for IT professionals in India. Listed below are the current job openings available at these tech titans. McKinsey Job profile:Big Data Tech Lead Location:Bengaluru Roles and responsibilities: You ...
Job profile:DevOps Engineer Location:Remote Roles and responsibilities: Assisting users in making the best use possible of storage, interaction, and computing resources. Help in debugging and CAD/EDA task flow optimization for Intel job schedulers. Assisting with the forecasting of...
When the Carryx come to Anjiin, they wipe out whole communities and round up survivors. Among those captured is Dafyd Alkhor – he’d been a member of a noted research team, and worked closely with a scientist he considered to be one of the most brilliant minds he’d ever encountered...
Butreally,readinguponVernesnovelsmademewonderhowhewasabletopredictsomuchandwritesotechnicallywhenhewasntatrainedscientist,physicistorengineer.Howdidhedoit? Likealotofpeople,Vernesparentshadtheirownideasabouthiscareer.TheyhadtheirheartssetonVernebeingalawyer.Heknewhewantedtobeawriter,butplayedalongandwenttoschooltobe...
About lies and SF. IMO an SF writer’s job is to be a visionary, not a scientist. Not that plausible isn’t OK or that implausible isn’t wrong. Vagueness is good for SF. Ask all the folks who invented and made the cell phone what it is because they watched Star Trek TOS and wa...
James Watson and Francis Crick were credited with the discovery of DNA's double-helix structure, which won them a Nobel Prize in 1962, but they would not have been able to do so without the help of a pioneering female scientist. Rosalind Franklin's expertise in X-ray diffraction techniques...
Shaw, the scientist who actually made the discovery, was a Christian with a different agenda. Having lost first her mother, then her father, to an untimely death, she still maintained a degree of religious faith, evidenced by the cross she wore. Both desired to “meet their maker” without...
“In the summer of 2016, I went on a scientific expedition in the Ladakh region in northern India,” recalls Sanjay Limaye, a senior planetary scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “Many Israelis travel in Ladakh, a very high region in the fo...
Denise Richards gets a lot of flack for her performance as Dr. Christmas Jones, nuclear scientist and short shorts enthusiast. In her defense, it ain’t like the rest of the movie isCitizen Kane. Even the crummiest Bonds usually have a great line or a really impressive chase to remember ...