For decades, youngsters have swum near the pedestrian bridges leading to Compo Cove. “Outsiders” were not welcome further. A psychiatrist named Dr. Diefendorf brought patients to live at his cottage. Believing in “work therapy for the disturbed,” he had them build “the most meticulously gr...
Yesterday, we met a beautiful first grade boy who carries the trauma of the 2014 war – not able to participate in normal activities of home or school – continually frightened by the threat of more war. Staff of GCMHP will refer this boy to a pediatric psychiatrist in their group – thi...
Dr Irmfried Eberl, a psychiatrist who had run two hospitals where tens of thousands of patients had been murdered, became Commandant of Treblinka. Thus, the mass murders by psychiatrists provided the "scientific" rationale, the staff, and the equipment, for the Holocaust. O...
Brink is invited to meet with Jess Price – a woman sentenced to thirty years in prison for murder. She hasn’t spoken in five years – since she was incarcerated. But she has created, by drawing, a complex and confounding puzzle. Price’s psychiatrist has invited Brink to meet with Pric...
Find counselling near me Job prospects are not looking good if you make your living doing pseudotherapy to try and change a person’s sexual orientation. Earlier this month psychiatrist Dr. Robert Spitzer renounced his study suggesting that therapy to change sexual orientation works with some i...
Ida Mae Glick, a critically acclaimed filmmaker, suffers a near fatal heart attack as the result of living on the same meager rations as the homeless people she is filming. When she winds up in the hospital under the scrutiny of a psychiatrist who suspects she’s unstable, the threat to ...
You'll have to wait until you get here before I tell you how a well-known psychiatrist explained what she called "symbolism" in that picture. You can read about The humble Farmer in Charlie Wing's entertaining book, Salt In Their Veins. I'm proud to be right next to the chapter on ...
profession. The psychiatrist sees symptoms of diagnosable conditions in everyone from the grocery checkout cashier to his spouse; the economist views the simple buying of a cup of coffee as an example of a macroeconomic phenomenon. In the
[making] it so difficult for parents, who are already enduring tremendous pain and heartache, to get approval for such a safe and simple medication." "There's no rhyme or reason to have a psychiatrist be part of this decision. You're talking about sick kids who aren't even mentally ...
This 1966 book, co-authored by the psychologist and clinical innovator Arnold Lazarus (1932-2013) and the psychiatrist and inventor of the technique of systematic desensitization, Joseph Wolpe (1915-1997), was a how-to guide for beginning therapists like me. The field was so new at the time...