Bremner, chief consulting geologist and director at Goldstrike Resources Ltd. leads visi- tors on a tour of the Plateau South Property in east-central Yukon. He said the junior was delighted to discover gold in situ at surface in initial drilling at Plateau South. 2014 marks Goldstrike's ...
I am a geologist’s daughter and my father introduced me to deep time. Being present to the geology of a place is to be present to eternity; it is to know the unhurried pace of evolution, the tardy drift of transformation. Being present to geology is to feel the shell that a grain o...
Again your "geologist" sources must have been hid- ing under a rock for the last 40 years. Within the U.S. controlled Arctic Ocean EEZ, the Minerals Management Service (MMS) has recently identified a total of 39 plays, including 24 Brookian plays, in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas plan-...
Like most parents, geologist Brain Atwater worries about his daughter's safety. But these days, he has an unusual concern; The public school she 11 in Seattle has unreinforced brick walls, a 12 being easy to collapse during earthquakes. The same 13 of walls crushed hundreds of thousands of ...