•Reviews: More than 80 book reviews, from classic books byJorge Luis BorgesandRudolfo Anayato contemporary authorsIsabel AllendeandJunot Díaz.Check out my reviews ofclassic Latino novelsandclassic books by Latinas. •Features: Looking for a book aboutquinceñeras? Food? A particular holiday?
Nothing is what it seems and, in fact, through the looking-glass, everything is distorted.doi:10.1080/08831157.1989.9932608SmulianDanRomance Quarterly
fractal, aggressively solipsistic; perhaps what you’d get if Jorge Luis Borges had been born late enough to write about video games. It’s a sweeping exercise in formalism, about a sweeping exercise in formalism; that the title of the book and the eponymous white whale of a game its prota...