Nothing is what it seems and, in fact, through the looking-glass, everything is distorted.doi:10.1080/08831157.1989.9932608SmulianDanRomance Quarterly
•Reviews: More than 80 book reviews, from classic books byJorge Luis BorgesandRudolfo Anayato contemporary authorsIsabel AllendeandJunot Díaz.Check out my reviews ofclassic Latino novelsandclassic books by Latinas. •Features: Looking for a book aboutquinceñeras? Food? A particular holiday?
fractal, aggressively solipsistic; perhaps what you’d get if Jorge Luis Borges had been born late enough to write about video games. It’s a sweeping exercise in formalism, about a sweeping exercise in formalism; that the title of the book and the eponymous white whale of a game its prota...
The chosen literary works contrasted here are Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll and The House of Asterion (La casa de Asteri贸n in original), by Jorge Luis Borges. The relationship explored in this article is that between enclosure and openness in ...