You should never look directly at the sun, but there are ways to safely observe an eclipse. See how to safely observe a solar eclipse with this infographic. (Image credit: Karl Tate, Contributor) Seeing with eclipse blindness One thing that makes eclipse blindness particula...
You also shouldn't look at the eclipse through a camera lens, phone, binoculars or telescope, according to NASA, even while wearing eclipse glasses. The solar rays can burn through the lens and cause serious eye injury. Eclipse glasses must comply with theISO 12312-2 international safety stand...
This is my response to It’s Quadrille Monday! –the prompt from Lillian at dVerse Poets Pub, which is to use the word indigo in a Quadrille – a 44-word poem (excluding title), with no required meter or rhyme. Image source: Poems at Literary Revelatio...
In April our address happened to be in the path of totality for the eclipse, with some extended family here to share it with us. It felt very odd to have the whole world go dark in the middle of the day, with the spring peepers starting up a chorus just as all the songbirds went ...
We may have heard about NEOWISE, but many of us were too preoccupied, or were in no position to seek it out to look at with our own eyes. Those that were able and willing to forego proper sleep hygiene to get up in the middle if the night and find a safe way to look up into ...
IfSpider-Manwas the template for what the modern superhero movie would become, its sequel feels like the standard bearer all future successors were asked to eclipse. I had never seen the movie before as I was young during its initial run, but the aura of Spider-Man was always around. ...
Plus, they are loaded with natural sugars that the body needs replenished following a night of festivities. They may or may not be the “world’s most perfect food,” but it is a fact that bananas do help cure hangovers. Sounds good to me! I'm going to the store stock up on ...