(2020江苏卷)Before one of these workouts, the men skipped breakfast, meaning that they exercised on a completely empty stomach after a long overnight fast (禁食).在一次训练之前,那些人不吃早餐,这意味着他们经过一夜禁食,完全空着肚子...
“Theseresultsareconsistentwithpatternsthatwe’veactuallyseeninmylabinanimalstudies,”saysSusanSwithers,abehavioralscientistatPurdueUniversity. “Youaresupposedtogetsugaraftersomethingtastessweet.Yourbodyhasbeenaccustomedtothat,”explainsSwithers.Butdietsodamayleadtoadisconnect.Thesugarneverarrives,and“thatcoulddecre...
Itisnecessarytohavesomemoneyofone’sown. 拥有一些属于自己的钱是很必要的。 2)atthesametime同时 e.g.Dontspeakatthesametime.大家不要同时说话。 Theboyislazy,butatthesametime,heisverysmart. 这孩子懒惰,但很聪明。;3.Adiverwhopicksupgolfballsfromwaterworksfourdaysperweekandcollectsabout4,000ballsperday. ...
(2020江苏卷)Before one of these workouts, the men skipped breakfast, meaning that they exercised on a completely empty stomach after a long overnight fast (禁食).在一次训练之前,那些人不吃早餐,这意味着他们经过一夜禁食,...
3. A At present we expect to lose money on the book but in the long t___ we hope to make 实用文档 large profits. 4. A We do meet now and then, but not r___. 5. A The new power plant supplies e___ for the entire (整个的) city. 6. A He ___ (跳过) tw...
You plant the seed (种子) and look after it to make it grow.First you should choose a friend. What makes a good friend? It is not because a person has money or good looks. A good friend should be kind and patient. For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend should ...
is used for cooling city air conditioning pipes.Then,those systems,cooled by the lake water,spread the coldness as they work.After the water does its job of cooling the city,it ends up in a water treatment plant,7. it is purified(净化) and used as part of the drinking water for local...
C.Toraisemoneyformedicalresearch. D.Topromotetheelderlypeople,swelfare. 2.HowhastheprojectaffectedRuthXavier? A.Shehaslearnednewlifeskills. B.Shehasgainedasenseofachievement. C.Shehasrecoveredhermemory. D.Shehasdevelopedastrongpersonality. 3.WhatdotheunderlinedWordS“embarkon“meaninparagraph7? A.Impro...
“Theseresultsareconsistentwithpatternsthatwe’veactuallyseeninmylabinanimalstudies,”saysSusanSwithers,abehavioralscientistatPurdueUniversity. “Youaresupposedtogetsugaraftersomethingtastessweet.Yourbodyhasbeenaccustomedtothat,”explainsSwithers.Butdietsodamayleadtoadisconnect.Thesugarneverarrives,and“thatcoulddecre...
When leaving their grandparents’ home after a visit, ea ch child would write a love note to their grandparents. They hi d notes in the cereal (麦片) box, under a hairbrush, next to the phone or even in the m icrowave oven (微波 炉). For days, their grandparents would smile ...