(2011). Building resilience in looked after young people: A moral values approach. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 39, 259-282.Woodier D (2011) Building resilience in looked after young people: a moral values approach. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 39(3): pp.259-...
Looked after young people at risk of offending: their views of a mixed-gender placementresidential child careyoung peoplegendergirls and boysChanges to residential child care placements, from single-gender to mixed-gender, highlighted limitations in research and guidance on the use and management of ...
首先,句子的主语是 “The old people(老年人)”,而“look after(照顾)” 这个动作的执行者应该是 “the young people(年轻人)”,老年人是被照顾的对象,所以这里要用被动语态。被动语态的基本结构是 “be + 过去分词”。 A 选项 “look after well” 是主动语态,不符合句子中老年人被照顾的逻辑,所以 A 选...
Looked after young people at risk of offending: their views of a mixed-gender placement 来自 Taylor & Francis 喜欢 0 阅读量: 24 作者:J Copley,D Johnson 摘要: Changes to residential child care placements, from single-gender to mixed-gender, highlighted limitations in research and guidance on ...
The article focuses on the effort of the National Children's Bureau (NCB) in putting the Children and Young Persons Bill into legislation in Great Britain. NCB's move on the bill is based on looked-after children and the welfare or justice divide, which is an NCB policy priority. The eff...
中,“look after”是动词+介词构成的动词短语,在变为被动语态时,需将短语看做一个整体,介词“after”不可省略。 2. 句子“We gave some flowers to Miss Gao on Teachers' Day.”中,“give...to...”是动词+双宾语结构,在变为被动语态时,介词“to”不可省略。
Research Article What is institutionalising for ‘looked after’ children and young people? Emma Blakemoore, Sir Martin Narey, Patrick Tomlinson & John Whitwell Pages 17-28 | Published online: 22 Feb 2022 Cite this article https://doi.org/10.1080/02650533.2022.2034766 CrossMark Full...
A. to been looked after,这个表达存在语法错误,正确的形式应该是 “to be looked after”,但即使形式正确,它表示的是 “被照顾”,这里是母亲照顾婴儿,不是婴儿被照顾,所以 A 选项错误。B. looked after,这是过去分词形式,表示被动和完成,在这里不符合句子语境,因为句子表达的是有一个婴儿要去照顾,而不是...
OBJECTIVES: We report the first Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis examination of self-harm and experience of clinical services in young people in the public care system. METHODS: Qualitative interviews with 24 looked-after young people. RESULTS: Prevalent themes were 1) Changes in care placement...
From dependence to interdependence: Towards better outcomes for young people leaving state care Young people leaving out of home care are arguably one of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in society. Compared to most young people, they face... P Mendes,B Moslehuddin - 《Child Abuse ...