Define look up to. look up to synonyms, look up to pronunciation, look up to translation, English dictionary definition of look up to. v. looked , look·ing , looks v. intr. 1. a. To employ one's sight, especially in a given direction or on a given objec
“Look up to.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 15 Feb. 2025. Copy Citation Share Post the Definition of look up to to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of look up to on Twitter Twitter More...
Other forms:looked up to; looking up to; looks up to Definitions oflook up to verb feel admiration for synonyms:admire see more Pronunciation US /lʊk əp tu/ UK /lʊk əp tu/ Cite this entry Style: MLA "Look up to." Dictionary,, https://www.voca...
look up to,[~+up+to+object]to regard with admiration or respect:A lot of people look up to you, so don't let them down. n.[countable] the act of looking:Have a look at these figures. the way in which a person or thing appears; ...
What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See More 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't ...
look up的三种意思 1.抬头看:lookup通常指抬头向上看,例如你在街上走着,看到了一个高楼,你会说“Wow, look up!”表示惊叹或者提醒别人抬头看。 2.查阅:look up也可以表示查阅信息,例如你在写论文,需要查看某个名词的定义,你会说“Can you help me look up the definition of this word?”表示请帮我查一...
- 例句:I need to find out the details about the upcoming event.(我需要查明即将举行的活动的详细信息。) 2. Look Up: - "Look up" 强调在可用资源中查找信息。这可能包括检索书籍、字典、互联网等。通常使用这个短语时,是在参考工具中查找确切的数据或事实。 - 例句:Can you look up the definition of...
1. Look up:寻找资料或信息 例句:I need to look up the definition of this word in the dictionary. 2. Look after:照顾,照料 例句:Could you please look after my pets while I'm away? 3. Look forward to:期待 例句:I'm really looking forward to the summer vacation. 4. Look down on:看不...
“To look up”是由一个动词不定式“to look”和一个副词“up”组成的动词短语。在句子中作为谓语动词,常与宾语连用,表示查找某个信息或资料。具体用法:I need to look up the definition of this word in the dictionary.(我需要在字典中查找这个单词的定义。)2. Can you please look up ...
Bringing up a definition page for a word presents all kinds of information. You can tap on one of the entries to get more information about the word. In addition to the meaning of the word, you should also see examples of how to use it in a sentence and its origin, if possible. ...