If you are buying a stock for income, the last thing you want to see is a cut in the dividend. The best defense against that is a low payout ratio. Managements generally will try to avoid dividend cuts, but paying out more than you earn each year is not sustainable. A company needs...
It's important to note that not only are comparisons among the same asset class appropriate but the rightbenchmarkshould also be considered. The benchmark most frequently used to measure the market is theS&P 500stock index, which serves as a proxy for "the market." However, some portfolios ...
At 13, Kay Johnstonwanted nothing morethan to play Little League baseball. So she decided to sign up as a boy named Tubby. Even after revealing her identity, she played a successful season as a member of a team. After that year, the "Tubby Rule" was put into place, barring girls from...
In auto finance dealers have, for years, allowed you to drive up in your “old” car which has a note on it, and roll the remaining balance of the loan (less the radically-depreciated “trade in” value) into the new car loan. This results in you being instantaneously “upside down”...
Of those SNVX, ISLD, EXDS, INKT, SNRA and VRTS no longer are listed under their original ticker symbols. Some were outright business failures, others bought or merged in the collapse that followed. Of the "survivors", ARBA traded for $800 back then. It now trades for $11. INSP trade...