preprints, accepted papers, and papers under consideration. first look is a partnership between ssrn opens in new tab/window and some of the world’s most influential journals to provide rapid, early and open access to evolving scholarly research. contact us opens in new tab/window watch now ...
well, scholarly. In the following blog post, I analyze three different articles that begin by discussing tattoo kits used in Maori culture and ultimately end up with cutting instruments of Maori culture. They each cite one another, and I will comment on their similarities and differences. ...
Brutus S, Aguinis H, Wassmer U (2013) Self-reported limitations and future directions in scholarly reports: analysis and recommendations. J Manag 39:48–75. Article Google Scholar Buil-Fabregà M, del Alonso-Almeida M, M, Bagur-Femenías L, (2017) ...
Bible Commentary— Scholarly, accurate Bible commentary that is written at the level of an average Bible reader. Includes historical/cultural context, information about the author and original audience of the passage, the role of the verse in the surrounding passage, and practical application. The ...
Such a program would allow them to expand the reach of scholarly articles or Buzzfeed in the hopes that they might be able to let the internet, in all its incarnations be read in Spanish. In addition to providing an honest, random sampling of the internet, this might also usher in a ...
For example, a document may be a web page with links to other web pages, a scholarly article with citations to other scholarly articles, a judicial opinion with citations to other judicial opinions, a patent with citations to other patents, and so on. Accordingly, the invention is not ...
Our new look is more in keeping with other scholarly journals. You will see less white space and a tighter, crisper look. We are pleased with the changes and hope you will be too. Some other important changes were made in 2006. Continuing Education opportunities increased in each issue with...
The current study aimed to increase scholarly knowledge on the link between Facebook use and adolescents' engagement in self-sexualizing behaviors. The findings indicate the importance of specific (appearance-related) activities on Facebook, rather than overall Facebook use, in youth's self-sexuali...
with a master to enhance his photographic mind and take lessons to retain photos, video, music and text. Of course, he took and reassembled from what his photogenic mind acquired from his teachers and dyslexic master, then dissembled the information onto small pieces of printable scholarly works...
” SinceAvengers: Endgame(2019), the once nigh-invulnerable Marvel Cinematic Universe has faced an increasing drumbeat of fan, critical/scholarly, and labor backlash. These culminated in MCU’s Phase 4 films and streamers which, for the most part, have initially drawn solid ticket sales or ...