Residents and staff of Bridge House Ready to Work program use computers provided by the facility. Having access to these types of resources is very helpful to the community and population of the Bridge House. File photo by Juanita Rivera-Guiougou/Special to Sentinel Co...
A close 5-4 decision by the Supreme Court, Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health was the first right to die case ever taken up by the court. The court ruled in favor of the State of Missouri after significant attention from national media, ruling that it was acceptable to req...
Sometimes,The Trentonianhad a point. During a summer vacation in Hawaii, I picked up two volcanic rocks for my earth science class. I’d heard about Pele’s revenge – the streak of bad luck inflicted by Pele, the goddess of fire, for taking them – but I figured it was only two roc...
Water managers in the Colorado River Basin have mobilized users to conserve water in response to ongoing drought intensified by higher temperatures, and an extension program in Nebraska is helping ranchers reduce drought and heat risks to their operations. The state of Hawaii is developing ...
“The limited money to address the historical effects of cannabis prohibition may not be” what voters who backed the tax expected, the auditors wrote. ___ WASHINGTON More than five years after Washington state legalized marijuana, Seattle officials last year began moving to...
New York City has its share of unusual laws and ordinances. Some were enacted to address one-time misbehaviors (evidently someone, at some point, did stroll around Manhattan with an ice cream cone in his pocket, causing untold mischief) but most are a little more complicated and fall under...
Computer simulations by Ken Caldeira at Lawrence wasn't sure, S.T. stopped smiling and went outside. regions, he added. On his 'scopes' he could track the Livermore National Laboratory calculated that this [H: Well, they come up with all sorts of tankers flying north into Canadian air...
one more chart to address this Sales and VMT, both of which saturated during times of economic expansion (i.e., before the Recession), are far more important. We have more vehicles now, but as you note, this is in large part due to greater longevity. Well, the older cars generally ge...
My birthplace, Craig, was and still is a small town located in the sagebrush of northwestern Colorado’s high desert. As I grew up I had friends but none that ever lasted for more than a few years. I was a loner most of the time probably because my interests were rarely the same as...