While there are lots of industry-related analytical assessments and reports on the overall landscape of real estate valuations, performance reports and the like, I was more interested in the general market dynamics that have caught the attention of both the managers who specialize in real estate in...
Real Estate Use AI to Reimagine Houses for Buyers Since I first posted this home it looks like this listing may be helping people image the house in a more modern style. The house is only 24 years old but the draperies may not be everyone's choice. It is not clear from the listing ...
Downtown open space planners look to NY success storyANDREW KEATTS
Since Fred's disappearance he hasn't used his Social Security number, hasn't renewed his driver's license and hasn't been arrested anywhere in the United States. His parents moved to Virginia after he went missing. His father died in 2004 and his mother in 2008; in their obituaries, Fred...
Kingston, NY 12401 (directions) This steel suspension bridge is now permanently closed (As of September 2020). That being said, it first opened up in Kingston, New York in 1921. When it was open, there were scenes filmed for Super Dark Times (2017). This film is a realistic look on ...
"Sylvan Rock will be one of the most important modernist residences in the Hudson Valley and is the first single-family, residential collaboration by S3 Architecture and Aston Martin," Corcoran Country Living states in the listing. Aston Martin Designs Insane Hudson Valley Home Corcoran Country Li...
Syntroleum's conversion process already proven Industry partners Syntroleum Corporation, which holds a proprietary license for converting natural gas to syn- thetic fuels, and Marathon Oil are making up the rest of the estimated $36 million cost for the GTL plant. "This demonstration project, ...
Kingston, NY 12401 (directions) This steel suspension bridge is now permanently closed (As of September 2020). That being said, it first opened up in Kingston, New York in 1921. When it was open, there were scenes filmed for Super Dark Times (2017). This film is a realistic look on ...