but some were also shrewd business leaders. Sister Irene Kraus, a former chief executive of Daughters of Charity National Health System, was famous for coining the phrase "no margin, no mission." It means hospitals must succeed — generating enough revenue to exceed expenses — to fulfill their...
but some were also shrewd business leaders. Sister Irene Kraus, a former chief executive of Daughters of Charity National Health System, was famous for coining the phrase "no margin, no mission." It means hospitals must succeed—generating enough revenue to exceed expenses—to fulfill their origin...
We help charities structure joint ventures, set up wholly owned for-profit subsidiaries, license their brands, invest in real estate and engage in venture capital. Through our long-standing relationships with the Canadian charity bar and with the charity bar i...
" J.J. MacNab explained. "They think that if they sign their name on an angle or put a thumb print in blood, I mean, I can come up with several hundred of these
As odd as it is that the kids straight-up dissed the show — a show that millions of people watched and adored — Loughlin had an idea for why they just weren't into it. "I think for them it was a little weird to see me on TV, and they just couldn't process it," she continu...
When Congress expanded the child tax credit in March, it told the IRS to make monthly advance payments to taxpayers of up to half their total credit, based on existing tax records. These payments willlower expected refunds or raise taxes duefor many filers on their 2021 returns. So those wh...
There’s no inherent problem with taking the standard over the itemized deduction. One place where it screws people up, though, is that they’re not getting a benefit for their cash donations to charity. Going forward?There are a few things to consider here: ...
A Closer Look at Nonmonetary Awards The first in a series of articles addressing nonmonetary awards Interest in the use of nonmonetary awards is always growing, particularly as cash awards budgets tighten. Workforce Performance is launching a series of occasional articles on this subject with a l...
investment’srisk mightnotbeinsyncwithitsactualrisk. Becauseyourrisktolerancemaychange overtime,considerrevisitingthesubject periodically—ideallyduringyour annualinvestmentperformancereview. Yourfinancialprofessionalcanhelpyou reassessyourrisktoleranceandthelevel ofriskinyourportfolio. Whattypeofinvestorareyou?Aggressive...
If you’re looking for the EIN of a tax-exempt organization, like a charity, you can look them up online with the IRS. There are also commercial EIN databases you can pay to use. Doing so may make sense if you frequently need to look up EINs. » MORE: A guide to income and pay...