CDL VIS is the leading UK provider of vehicle registration mark (VRM) & DVLA vehicle look-up services, well known for its popular consumer why choose us? Accurate, up-to-the-minute vehicle intelligence From a VRM, our trusted data tells you everything you need to kno...
When the Iraq and Afghanistan wars cranked up again many “soldier things”, like drill and ceremonies and spit shine inspections were again given only cursory attention or dropped entirely, in favor of preparing for “the war”. Basic trainees were taught about convoy’s, how to conduct a co...
Pattern Recognition CDL2CROWS Two Crows CDL3BLACKCROWS Three Black Crows CDL3INSIDE Three Inside Up/Down CDL3LINESTRIKE Three-Line Strike CDL3OUTSIDE Three Outside Up/Down CDL3STARSINSOUTH Three Stars In The South CDL3WHITESOLDIERS Three Advancing White Soldiers CDLABANDONEDBABY Abandoned Baby CDL...
∙min−1; CDL temperature, 275 °C; heat block temperature, 275 °C; drying gas pressure, 100 kPa; detector voltage, 1.55 V. Registration of mass chromatograms was carried out in the range ofm/z80–850, event time (time of one data collection cycle)—300 ms, repeat (number of ...