If the company is publicly traded, search SEC filings using itsEDGAR tool. If you’re looking for the EIN of a tax-exempt organization, like a charity, you canlook them up online with the IRS. There are also commercial EIN databases you can pay to use. Doing so may make sense if you...
So bond holders might agree to take 20 cents of new bonds for 100 cents of old defaulted bonds, representing an 80% haircut, if the other option would be an even bigger loss in bankruptcy court. This type of debt restructuring is a form of default and is NOT part o...
This area of your credit report refers to public records that might affect your creditworthiness. Up until recently this may have included bankruptcy filings, tax liens, and civil judgments. However, bankruptcies are now the only public record that reporting agencies list. Other ...
in landmark talent agency deal • 108- Warner film chief Toby Emmerich will steps down • 108- CNN+ to shut down service • 108- Axel Springer has acquired Politico • 108-AT&T out of the Pay-TV space • 108- Genie Gateway Credt Card - Pay with your own phone number • ...