If the company is publicly traded, search SEC filings using itsEDGAR tool. If you’re looking for the EIN of a tax-exempt organization, like a charity, you canlook them up online with the IRS. There are also commercial EIN databases you can pay to use. Doing so may make sense if you...
a disgruntled attorney who had appeared before U.S. District Judge Esther Salasdisguised himself as a Fedex driver, went to her home and shot and killed her son (the judge was unharmed and the assailant
•••• The deal was applauded by several consumer groups. John Bergmayer, senior staff attorney at Public Knowledge, said the deal would help "counter the power of AT&T and Verizon." •••• "It would be better if the wireless market was not so distorted that the loss of...