My father was 27 when he was drafted in July 1944 and sent to Camp Robinson, Arkansas just outside Little Rock, for seventeen weeks of basic/infantry training. He wrote to my mother almost everyday. Upon arrival, he wrote about the homesick young boys who would do anything to get out o...
Stuart, an Australian who had never driven on the right side of the road (but knew how to drive a stick and had his license on him) would be driving for the day. After a 30 minute struggle with the Bluetooth, we were finally able to connect my phone to the music and turned up the...
In today's chess teaching, opening theory often reaches deep into the middlegame, and players struggle to create something new and inspiring at the chessboard. Here Tiger Hillarp Persson shows that it is possible to be original at an early stage. Tiger Hillarp Persson, a Grandmaster from ...