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# 009-EXCEL新一代查找函数XLOOKUP的使用技巧,04 XLOOKUP模糊查找多个重复值当中最后出现的那个值 #XLOOKU ,#excel技巧 #数据分析 #财务技能 - 谢老师的财务硬核数据分析能力提升训练营于20231031发布在抖音,已经收获了144个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Excel查询函数XLOOKUP叉look up函数查询函数纵向查找模糊查找匹配模式绝对引用数据验证嵌套函数错误处理数组 本视频内容涉及Excel中叉look up函数的使用技巧,总结出该函数的5种主要用法:纵向查找、模型查找、运用通配符的模糊查找、数据匹配以及函数嵌套使用。视频中还解释了函数选择绝对引用或相对引用的场景,并讨论了处理查找...
1. 选中包含XLOOKUP公式的单元格,并按F2进入编辑模式。2. 在XLOOKUP公式中选中数组部分并按Ctrl + Shift + Enter组合键,将数组公式转换为静态数组。3. 确认公式正确无误之后,再向下拖动公式以填充其他单元格,不再出现错误提示。注意,将数组公式转换为静态数组后,公式将不再自动更新。如果您需要更...
XLOOKUP模糊匹配、屏蔽错误值#干货分享 #办公技巧 #xlookup函数 - 小白Excel高效办公于20240421发布在抖音,已经收获了5个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Hi, I'm wondering if it's possible to use Xlookup or Power Query to do a partial match from a table of possible matches. For example: In the image below I'm trying to lookup the prices on eac... Dazzathedrummer Detlef_Lewin
万能的查找函数:xlookup的用法,如何逼自己学会xlooku 万能的查找函数:xlookup的用法,如何逼自己学会xlookup,存下吧,很难找全的! Xlookup的用法包括7类: 1、纵向查找 2、横向查找 3、逆向查找 4、查询失败匹配值 5、区域查找 6、指定搜索模式 7、交叉查找...
Hi, I'm wondering if it's possible to use Xlookup or Power Query to do a partial match from a table of possible matches. For example: In the image below I'm trying to lookup the prices on eac...Show More excel Formulas and Functions Reply View Full Di...
Looks up "Bolts" in row 1, and returns the value from row 4 that's in the same column (column C). 11 =HLOOKUP(3, {1,2,3;"a","b","c";"d","e","f"}, 2, TRUE) Looks up the number 3 in the three-row array constant, and returns the value from row 2 in the same ...
Looks up "Bolts" in row 1, and returns the value from row 4 that's in the same column (column C). 11 =HLOOKUP(3, {1,2,3;"a","b","c";"d","e","f"}, 2, TRUE) Looks up the number 3 in the three-row array constant, and returns the value from row 2 in the same...