If you have a business's tax ID number but don't know the name of the business, and plugging the number into an Internet search engine doesn't get you the business's name, you may be able find out by using a reverse look-up service such as Search Bug. Keep in mind, though, that...
If the company's not in EDGAR, it takes a little more work. If the company has used its EIN on any forms filed with your local city or county government – taking out a business license, for instance – the forms are probably a public record. For a nonprofit company, there are severa...
Just like a forgotten password rarely used, an EIN, also called an Employer Identification Number, can easily be forgotten or misplaced. Luckily, we’re here to help you better understand your EIN, deal with a lost EIN number and learn how to acquire a new one or simply just look up ...
According to KFF, a nonprofit organization devoted to policy research and polling on national health issues, “In the years leading up to the passage of the ACA, about 14% to 16% of people in the United States were uninsured [across all ages]. By 2023, the uninsured rate had fallen to ...
A persistent Cookie remains on your hard drive for an extended period, and we use that to allow you to add items to your cart and checkout, and to identify you should you return to services and want to find information you had previously entered or accessed. If you have signed up for ...
friends. The gym is one of those places. I’ve already made a few new friends at the gym, all by just spending a few extra minutes there in the morning and taking the chance to speak to people. I’m also doing volunteer board work for a nonprofit and have met new people there as...
A sign outside a local butcher limits the number of customers in the shop, on March 20, 2020, in the Brooklyn borough of New York. Angela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images David Dworkin, president and CEO of the nonprofit affordable housing advocacy group, the National Housing Conference, told ABC...