We are living in a Philadelphia duplex in Roslindale, Massachusetts, where the dishwasher is my husband and we have no microwave. We are paying $1200 a month for a three bedroom, one bath apartment with beautifully exposed woodwork and vertiginous stairs leading up to the two small bedrooms. ...
In 2012, the main company in charge of providing those calling services — Wellesley Hills, Mass-basedUnipoint Technology Inc.— wasfined $179,000by theU.S. Federal Communications Commission, which said Unipoint never applied for a license to provide international telecommunications services. DomainToo...
Transhistorical accounts of fanfiction often refer to the Brontës’ juvenilia, but such references are largely cursory even as they make a claim about the siblings’ Angria and Gondal writings that needs more careful consideration. This essay offers a more thorough examination of what it means ...
In addition to the federal child tax credit, 16 states also offer a child tax credit, according to theNational Conference of State Legislatures: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon...