Chamber operas look death in the eye at OperaHubWeininger, David 曲目· ··· Look Death in the Eye and Be Grateful 117:17 我来说两句 短评· ··· 热门 / 最新 / 好友 还没人写过短评呢 我要写乐评 193: Look Death In The Eye And Be G...
Fotolia photographers look death in the eye NEW YORK, NY – One Las Vegas couple has a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving after nearly losing their lives this past September during a photo shoot in the Nevada desert. Brian and Vildan Chase began shooting microstock photography as a ho...
当他转过去直视它时,那小东西便不见了。3.So what, exactly, gives psychopaths such talent, the ability to be cool as a cucumber, even whenthey are staring death straight in the eye?那么究竟是什么赋予了这些精神变态的人这样过人的天赋,就算你死死地盯住这些人的眼睛,他们也能保持冷静...
The phrase always precedes or follows some hypothetical situation.例句:You can starve to death for all I care. I am not giving you any more of my leftovers.本剧语境:Taylor的姐姐问她房子有没有多余的空间让她们妈妈住。 20:49 - It's silly. Rob told me he can't make it. I just... ...
Who could look death, straight in the eye ball Kes võiks otse surmale silma vaadata opensubtitles2 I look him straight in the eye, like this. Ma vaatan talle otse silma, nagu see. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Look me straight in the eye and say it, and I' il leave you alone ...
Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See More 9 Superb Owl Words 10 Words from Taylor Swift Songs (Merriam's Version) 8 Words with Fascinating Histories 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things...
1. To turn one's eyes on: looked him in the eye. 2. To convey by one's expression: looked annoyance at the judge; looked his devotion to me. 3. a. To have an appearance of conformity with: He looks his age. She dressed up to look the part. b. To appear to be: looked th...
look death in the face决意一死,不顾死活 look one's affairs in the face深知自己的财政状况 look one's age〔years〕看模样和岁数相同 look one's consent面露同意之色 look one's despair露出失望之色 look one's gratitude用眼神表示谢意 look one's thanks面露感激之色 look oneself不改常态,是正常的...