Buttheycantdecidethatwithoutmypermission. 我只能告诉你他们已经这么做了 AllIcantellyouisthattheyhavedoneit. 你不能使用那个账号hearts;了不好意思 Youdonthaveaccesstothataccount.Imsorry. 但也许你可以找纳粹帮忙 ButperhapsyoushouldtrytheNazis. 你怎么敢这么说 Howdareyou? 够了你可以走了 Thatsenough.Youmay...
I like some balance between objectivity and subjectivity – of course a review should be somewhat objective, but to see someones opinion as well is always a good thing. Plus, I like realistic pictures – don’t dig the photoshop! April 14, 2015 at 6:34 am Staci I like full face ...