Tagalog: tingnan Tajik: нигоҳ кардан (nigoh kardan), нигаристан (nigaristan) Tatar: карарга (tt) (qararga), багарга (tt) (bağarga) Telugu: చూచు (te) (cūcu) (choochu) Thai: มอง (th) ...
Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Vietnamese. This starting set is partly chosen base on thelist of most commonly used languages, partly from the countries around where I'm from (Singapore), and partly from countries with a lot of develop...
La Quinta’s curriculum in 1993-94 offered 27 English as a Second Language classes. Native languages spoken among the high school’s students: Language: Speakers Vietnamese: 570 Spanish: 131 Korean: 16 Chinese: 19 Arabic: 5 Farsi: 5 Japanese: 5 Tagalog: 3 Thai: 3 Urdu: 3 Armenian: 3 ...
you really have to go back to the 1950 landing at Inchon for a full-scale amphibious assault against a defended shoreline. Such an operation was contemplated as part of Operation Desert Storm in 1991 but rejected on the grounds that it would ...