Greenwich London longitude meridian The Great Karroo References in periodicals archive ? That difference of 3 degrees, 15 minutes is equivalent to 3.25 degrees, which when multiplied by four (because time varies by four minutes for each degree of longitude) equals a 14-minute offset. Keeping A ...
英[ˈlɒŋgɪtju:d] 美[ˈlɑndʒətud] 是什么意思 n. 经度,经线;[天]黄经; 变形 复数:longitudes 双语释义 n.(名词) [U]经度distance east or west of the Greenwich meridian, measured in degrees 英英释义 longitude[ 'lɔndʒitju:d, -tu:d ] ...
6.C'est donc le décalage horaire qui leur permettait de déterminer à quelle longitude ils se trouvaient par rapport à Greenwich. 正是时差使他们能够确定他们相对于格林威治经度。机翻 「Le Dessous des Cartes」 7.Sans doute, répondit John Mangles, et cependant mieux eût valu la pêcher ...
longitude: Angular distance on the earth's surface, measured east or west from the Prime Meridian at Greenwich, England, to the meridian passing through a position, expressed in degrees (or hours), minutes, and seconds.
Le méridien d'origine se trouve près de l'observatoire royal de Greenwich, à Londres, et sert de longitude zéro. Cette coordonnée doit être comprise entre -180° (à l'ouest du méridien d'origine) et 180° (à l'est du méridien d'origine). Coordonnées et cap Toute paire de ...
- 經度 longitude (lon-gi-tu-de) - 赤道 Equator (e-qua-tor) - 格蘭威冶子午線 Greenwich Meridian 本初子午線Prime Meridian 纬度latitude的表示 纬度是指过椭球面上某点作法线,该点法线与赤道 Equator平面的线面角,其数值在0至90度之间。 the distanceof a place north or south of “Equator”, measure...
in order to measure the position of a location based on the longitude, cartographers and geographers over the course of history have designated different locations as the main longitudinal reference point. Today, the meridian line through Greenwich, England, is considered as the reference point for...
例句:The Prime Meridian, which passes through Greenwich, England, is the starting point for measuring longitude. 中文:经过英国格林尼治的本初子午线是测量经度的起点。 “geographic longitude”:这个短语直接表示地理经度,强调经度在地理学中的应用。 例句:Geographic longitude is measured in degrees east or...
expeditions and technological innovations including the invention of the sextant. It inspired the foundation of publications including the British and French nautical almanacs, institutions such as the Observatoire de Paris and Royal Observatory at Greenwich, and science and funding bodies including the ...
A longitude, por outro lado, é o ângulo entre um ponto e uma linha arbitrária e imaginária, chamada de meridiano principal (ou meridiano de Greenwich), que divide a Terra verticalmente. O meridiano principal fica próximo ao Observatório Real de Greenwich, Londres e funciona como a ...