Smith intended to create the longest word by mimicking (模仿) medical terms, even if there wasn’t actually a disease to attach the word to. He just kind of made up the entire thing for fun.(这个词很可能是由埃弗雷特·k·史密斯在20世纪30年代创造的,当时他是全国益智游戏联盟的主席,这个组织...
We include pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism, another medical science term, because this one is considered the longest non-fabricated word to appear in major dictionaries. Pseudo- is a combining form meaning “false, pretended, unreal.” You might notice the appearance of pseudo- twice. That’s becau...
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, a 36 character word supposedly meaning a fear of long words, is not officially known as the longest word in the English language despite its great length. It might even have been put together after someone started wondering what the longest word is. After ...
From 1932 to 1940, due to an error, there was a ghost word in the dictionary that has no meaning. The word was dord. Oldest Word Town is the oldest word in the English language; strengths is the longest word with just a single vowel; dreamt is the only word that ends with mt, an...
I can now reveal that in fact “smiles” is the longest genuine word in the English language because there is a mile between its first and last letters. You may also like: Writing Prompt ~ Future Goals Do I Write Its or It’s? Optimum or Optimal?Posted...
If you’ve been doing your best topractice Englishand thought you knew what the longest word in the English language is you might want to check out this post. We take a look at just ten of the longest words currently added to the English language and some of them have almost 200,000 ...
What is the Biggest Word in English? When we think of words, we typically imagine a simple combination of letters that conveys a basic meaning. However, the English language houses words so long and complex that they could easily stretch across multiple lines of text—or even pages!...
It should come as no surprise that we are word lovers. In fact, we are big word lovers in that we love really big words. To express our love, we looked around for some of the biggest, most ludicrously long words in the English language. In addition to pure length, we also tried to...
This word set the record in the 1990s as the longest word “in common usage.” 7 Strengths Strengths has only nine letters, but all except one of them are consonants! This earns the word a Guinness World Record. It is also one of the longest monosyllabic words of the English language....
Definition:a type of cadence in medieval music Fun Fact:While this word might not look as impressive as others on this list, it’s the longest word in the English language to be composed entirely of vowels. (It's also the word with the longest string of vowels.) ...