aThe information you provide below will be used to track your documents and contact you in the future. Please enter the information exactly as it is displayed on your passport and please provide an email address and phone number where you can be reached. It is very important that you enter ...
Two Stanford Universitystudents developed the search engineand patented the algorithm in 1998. It was originally named BackRub for its use of so-called back links on the World Wide Web, and the name Google comes from the word “googol”—the number 1 with 100 zeros after it. Google was fi...
Fizzies were tablets that could be dropped into a cup of water to add instant (and very temporary) carbonation and fruit flavor. The Emerson Drug Company sold the sugar-free, flavored tablets to wide public appeal, and by 1968, the product was selling twice as much as Kool-Aid. Unfortunate...