Book:Psalm (Old Testament) Author:David Psalm 119:1 :“Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord!” Today’s Meditation:“undefiled” refers to righteous who don’t commit sin. When someone obey the law of God completely, he or she shall be able to dis...
Book: Psalm (Old Testament) Author: David Psalm 119:97 :“Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day.” Today’s Meditation: We can read, listen, tell and discuss about God’s laws. We won’t receive any benefit from it if we don’t love His laws. Love and law...
Book:Psalm (Old Testament) Author:David Psalm 119:45 :“And I will walk at liberty, for I seek Your precepts.” Today’s Meditation:Obeying God’s laws will not be a limitation to freedom. While being obedience can be said as freedom. The real holy has no limit. However, God’s cha...
Book:Psalm (Old Testament) Author:David Psalm 119:112 :“I have inclined my heart to perform Your statutes forever, to the very end.” Today’s Meditation:As one surrender to God’s will and being diligent towards to target, Jesus Christ will make the individual’s wish and diligence as ...