Brand: East Asia Brand Size: 100g £2.60 per 100g Shipping Weight: 0.143kg Cuisine: Chinese, Malaysian, Singaporean, Taiwanese, Vietnamese Product of: ChinaAdd to Basket: Max: 12 Description:East Asia Brand Dried Longan Pulp Direction: Wash before cooking. Storage: Store in cool ...
/ˈlɔːŋɡən/), is a tropical tree that produces edible fruit. It is one of the better-known tropical members of the soapberry family (Sapindaceae), to which thelycheealso belongs. This kind of fruit is extremely preferred in China and is also recognized...
1.the small, one-seeded, greenish brown fruit of a large evergreen tree,Euphoria longana,of the soapberry family, native to China and related to the litchi. 2.the tree itself. [1725–35; < New Latinlonganum< Chineselóngyǎnliterally, dragon's eye] ...
Fruit dropStorage periodThe impactfodiumetabisulfite (Na_2S_2O_5)reatmentnhe preventionf pericarprowningndheaintenancefhe postharvest qualityf Vietnamese longanv. Long duringtorage wastudiedyoakingunchesfheruit in 2.5r 5r 7.5%fodiumetabisulfiteolutionor 5nd 10nintoomemperaturendhentoringhemt 5卤1...
Longan (Dragon Eye) — the fruit of an evergreen tree longan (Euphoria longana, syn. Dimocarpus longan), is a member of the unusual and diverse Soapberry Family (Sapindaceae), widespread in China, Taiwan, Vietnam and Indonesia. The name comes from the Vietnamese province of Longan where ...
Not as good as Kohala or Diamond River, but I'm eating fruit. Maybe the taste will improve next year on this variety. Maybe I need to start throwing some dog poop under this tree! Also, as a side note, I recently had a conversation with a Vietnamese friend of mine. She said she...
commonly grown, have become popular among Chinese consumers since exports began in November 2022. He reported that his company also purchases longans from the neighboring provinces of Battambang and Banteay Meanchey, but they cannot compare to the Pailin-grown fruit in terms of flavor and appearance...
夏天没什么胃口就想吃点清凉开胃的,今天个简单的龙眼冰粉,方便又好吃。 Ice jelly is a very refreshing snack/dessert in this hot weather, it goes well with my son's favourite canned fruit and it is easy to make too. 材料: 1包 冰粉粉 ...
1.the small, one-seeded, greenish brown fruit of a large evergreen tree,Euphoria longana,of the soapberry family, native to China and related to the litchi. 2.the tree itself. [1725–35; < New Latinlonganum< Chineselóngyǎnliterally, dragon's eye] ...
fruit qualityresponse surface methodologyIn this study, a multi-response optimization was applied to determine the optimal postharvest treatment factors for Vietnamese longan 'Huong Chi' throughout the whole storage period. Instrumental measurements were used to analyze quality attributes including soluble ...