Only certain long-term care insurance policies meet the criteria for a tax deduction. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners sets these rules. Typically, many hybrid long-term care policies do not qualify for a premium deduction. (For more information on what defines a qualified LTCI ...
Reports that long-term-care insurance premiums paid in 1997, are qualified for a deduction including policies issued before 1997, due to guidelines issued by the Inland Revenue Service. Amount of deduction to an in...
Where performance is shown gross of fees it does not reflect the deduction of investment management fees. The returns will be reduced by the management fees and any other expenses incurred in the management of the account. For example a fund paying a 0.50% annual fee, with a...
The most common clause provides that, if you become disabled within12 months after the coverage began, no benefit will be paid if you received any type of medical treatment, care or service (including prescribed medications), related to the disabling condition during the3 months before the covera...
Presents a question and answer advisory on the financial aspects of medical care in the United States. Considerations in the selection of retirement plan for physicians; Details on tax ramification in long...
A simple deduction about long-term careArt Linkletter
Payroll deduction UL has LTC accelerated benefit. (universal life, long-term care)Koco, Linda
Good Prospects Seen For LTC Tax Deduction.(long term care insurance)(Brief Article)(Statistical Data Included)BROSTOFF, STEVEN
Miss. tax credit bill signed -- New law allows up to $500 deduction of insurance premiums paid for long-term health care