short-range ordered long-range ordered 短程有序长程有序 ong-range order [英]ˈlɔ:ŋˈreɪndʒ ˈɔ:də[美]ˈlɔŋˈrendʒ ˈɔrdɚ长程序,长程有序 ...
Most often, these nanostructures lack long-range order and the typical ''grain size'' over which the block copolymer domains are ordered is in the submicron range. One of the important issues in utilization of block copolymer nanostructures is achievement of preferential orientation, particularly in...
Long-range ordered and atomic-scale control of graphene hybridization by photocycloadditionMiao Yu, Chong Chen, Qi Liu, Cristina Mattioli, Hongqian Sang, Guoqiang Shi, Wujun Huang, Kongchao Shen, Zhuo Li, Pengcheng Ding, Pengfei Guan, Shaoshan Wang, Ye Sun, Jinping Hu, ...
Long-range ordered high-entropy intermetallics (HEIs) were synthesized via a thermodynamically-driven atomic ordering strategy. The (FeCoNi)(RuPt) HEI achieves 200 mA cm 2 at an overpotential of 56 mV and a remarkable low Tafel slope of 50.4 mV dec 1 in alkaline seawater. In situ Raman spec...
We report the gram-scale preparation of a new type of carbon, long-range ordered porous carbon (LOPC), from C60 powder catalysed by α-Li3N at ambient pressure. LOPC consists of connected broken C60 cages that maintain long-range periodicity, and has been characterized by X-ray diffraction, ...
long-range ordermartensitic transformationsnickel alloysplasticityIt is shown that martensitic transformations can give important information on the structure and mobility of dislocations in long-range-ordered alloys. Most relevant are the energies of the antiphase boundaries which are related to the pair ...
The article discusses solid-state physics research on long-range ordered carbon clusters in a crystalline material and an amorphous carbon cluster material that was constructed with compressed, solvated fullerenes. The research methods of x-ray diffraction, quantum molecular dynamics simulation, and Raman...
Using atomic force microscopy and Raman spectroscopy, weak long-range interactions between A–T/C–G nucleotides were observed, which could be attributed to the ordered water chain interaction between the base pairs. Furthermore, theoretical calculations also were used to simulate the ideal structure ...
Although Ni3Fe belongs to the group of L12 long-range ordered intermetallics the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) does not depend strongly on the deformation temperature. Dipoles and bundles of dipoles near edge orientations are characteristic features in the dislocation structure. Few screw ...
An approach to prepare hierarchically nanostructured silica materials possessing both micro- and mesoporosity has been investigated. Tetramethoxysilane was hydrolysed in the long-range ordered lyotropic liquid crystal (LLC) phase formed from the non-ionic block copolymer Pluronic P123 in the intermediate-ra...