An exhaustive meta-analysis of 132 long-term (≥ 10 years) studies worldwide was carried out to determine the effects of the use of organic amendments (OA) and OA + inorganic fertiliser (IF) on soil nutrient fertility. The responses of (1) crop yield [over the whole duration of the per...
Shale gas accumulates in reservoirs that have favorable characteristics and associated organic geochemistry. The Wufeng-Longmaxi formation of Well Yucan-6 in Southeast Chongqing, SW China was used as a representative example to analyze the organic geoche
Among renewable FFAs, dodecanoic acid is one of the cheapest and the most abundant substAramteosn wg hrielne e1w,1a2b‐ldeodFeFcAasn,eddioodl eicsa naoni cinadcuidstriisalolyn eimopfotrhtaenct hmeaopneosmt earn...