52:086. ETI外教英语第六课(Part 2 Long and short vowels) 美国ETI国际英语 478次播放 46:407. ETI外教英语第七课(Consonant Digraphs) 美国ETI国际英语 499次播放 47:488. ETI外教英语第八课(Consonants Diagraphs Part 2) 美国ETI国际英语 490次播放 48:569. ETI外教英语第九课(Long Vowel -Silent E)...
Silent E - Phonics Song for Kids - Jack Hartmann 02:55 Short Vowels Mix - aeiou (five videos) - Phonics songs 11:11 Short Vowels aeiou-Phonics Song-1,2,3 Syllable Words 01:54 Long Vowels Song - 'ai-a-e-ay - ee-ea - ie-igh-i-e-y - oa-o-e-ow - ue-u-e-ew” 02:...
Word Machines: Long Vowels (long i/silent e, long o/silent e)
Unfortunately, I couldn't come up with enough vocabulary words (I could depict in images) in that e_e pattern to create a whole section for the book. In the end, I had to just leave it out of the book. Make additional worksheets, activities, and exercises with long vowels and Magic ...
Little Fox Magic e _ Silent e _ Long Vowels _ CVCe _ Phonics Songs and Stories _ 2534 0 03:05 App Beep, Beep! Be Careful at the Supermarket Safety Songs for Kids Baby Shark 5367 1 05:32 App Little Fox_ 西游记 # 中文版 # 第26集_河里的妖怪_Journey to the West 2.3万 0 01:...
直到我遇到了一本书, 宝藏级的phonics学习的书 <Silent E>, 来自RAZ D级绘本。 一本书可以贯穿孩子学习VCe形式的long vowels始终。 让孩子学习phonics变得有趣有料,有滋有味,如有神助。 当当当当, 现在隆重有请这本简单好玩的读本“Silent E”.
Long Vowel silent E words are words such as bike, cake, and rope.These cards can be used to reinforce decoding skills for long vowel words Print two copies of the cards and paste on posterboard to make a deck of cards to playGo Fish, review the vocabulary, or playMemory. ...
I am Silent E, and I am very tricky. I can make A to say its own sound . I changetaptotape. I changecuttocute. ... Watch Videos 上次分享的【限时免费】自然拼读之元音组Vowel Pairs(含资源) 中English4abc的视频中包含long a, e,i,o,u,大家可以点击以上蓝色链接下载查看。
1、Long Vowels,Adding Silent Magic e makes the vowel long! It makes the vowel say its name.,Lets revise short and long vowels.,Fat ah sound / Fate ay sound,For example,fat +,=fate,LONG VOWEL,SHORT VOWEL,cape,tape,cane,vane,wave,cave,ape,mane,save,rake,lake,cake,ate,gate,safe,late...
48:569. ETI外教英语第九课(Long Vowel -Silent E) 美国ETI国际英语 612次播放 45:5010. ETI外教英语第十课(R-controlled Vowels) 美国ETI国际英语 969次播放 48:2711. ETI外教英语第十一课(Bossy R part 2/When two vowels go walki 美国ETI国际英语 404次播放 48:2012. ETI外教英语第十二课(Bossy R ...