We’ve jumped back into school during the hot month of August. In our language arts we will be jumping into long vowels. Hence the need to get started on “long a” activities. This low prepSpelling Long A Wordsgame is a great way to help kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd grade stud...
Help kids learn the long vowel a sound with this worksheet. Kids are asked to look at the different pictures on the page and fill in the missing long vowel a in each word on the line. Find lots of long vowel worksheets at KidsLearningStation.com.
Long vowel a sounds worksheet for kids. Help kids practice recognizing long vowel a sounds in common words. This worksheet tells kids about the long vowel a sound and then asks them to circle pictures of long vowel words.
We have a large selection of worksheets for teaching students about the long u vowel sounds. Words in this set include use, unicorn, cube, and music.
These handyCVCE worksheetsare a great way to help kids practicelong and short vowels.These free printablelong and short vowels worksheetsare perfect for first grade and 2nd grade students. Use theshort vowel worksheetsto sound out and then spell CVC and CVCe. These are great for reading and sp...
This set of spelling worksheets focuses on spelling words ending with the long u sound. These are geared towards a 2nd grade spelling level, but can be used for any kids that are at working on spelling long u words. Finds lots of 2nd Grade Spelling work
Grade Levels 2nd-4th,Homeschool Subjects Reading,Spelling,Writing Tags Activities Centers PDF Printables Formats Included PDF Pages 38 pages $2.50 MsJordanReads 10kFollowers Description Long vowel sounds can be made by an assortment of different vowel spelling patterns. Using the included posters and ...
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade Long Vowel Sentences Circle the word in each sentence that has a long vowel sound. Tell what sound the word has. 1st and 2nd Grades Matching Vowel Sounds Match the vowel sound on the left with the word on the right. ...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《二年级长短元音练习册 Grade K-2 Workbook Short & Long Vowel》,作者:Scholastic Inc 著,出版社:Oversea Publishing House。最新《二年级长短元音练习册 Grade K-2 Workbook Short & Long Vowel》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息
This was a great resource for my second graders! Very engaging! My kids LOVE the roll and read/write activities. Students used with 2nd grade Students were engaged Strongly disagreeStrongly agree Alignment of standards used CCSS |RF.2.3b ...