we disabled CUDA Graph for this setting.--on_chipspecifies the number of layers' KV cache that are on-chip, which can be adjusted based on hardware. The performance of offloading significantly depends on the bandwidth of PCIE. In order to get accurate results, it is best to ensure that th...
This project strives to impact the domain of AI-driven image and video generation positively. Users are granted the freedom to create images and videos using this tool, but they are expected to comply with local laws and utilize it responsibly. The developers do not assume any responsibility ...
论文链接:SEINE: Short-to-Long Video Diffusion Model for Generative Transition and Prediction 代码链接:https://github.com/Vchitect/SEINE 前记 这篇论文在23年10月份在arXiv放出来了第一个版本,但是出版里面很重要的Random Mask没有讲太明白,在23年11月份放出来了第二版,又认真去读了一遍,读完之后有一些...
Long short term memory (LSTM) is a recurrent neural network [42,43], meaning that there are feedback connections within the network as opposed to only feed-forward connections between layers in FNNs. This feedback allows for better handling of sequential data, such as sentences, video streams...
W. (2008). Video-rate localization in multiple maps for wearable augmented reality. In ISWC. Cavallari, T., Bertinetto, L., Mukhoti, J., Torr, P.,& Golodetz, S. (2019). Let’s take this online: Adapting scene coordinate regression network predictions for online RGB-D camera ...
search.videosearch com.microsoft.azure.cognitiveservices.search.visualsearch.models com.microsoft.azure.cognitiveservices.search.visualsearch com.microsoft.azure.cognitiveservices.search.websearch.models com.microsoft.azure.cognitiveservices.search.websearch com.microsoft.azure.fun...
search.videosearch com.microsoft.azure.cognitiveservices.search.visualsearch.models com.microsoft.azure.cognitiveservices.search.visualsearch com.microsoft.azure.cognitiveservices.search.websearch.models com.microsoft.azure.cognitiveservices.search.websearch com.microsoft.azure.funct...
Video style transfer, as a natural extension of image style transfer, has recently gained much interests. It has much important applications on non-photorealistic rendering and computer games. However, existing image-based methods cannot be readily extended to videos because of temporal flickering and...
Here is what happened. When predicting a large capacity video, RAM usage reaches 100% and the vscode window is broken. Here is my environment. OS : Windows11 RAM : 64GB GPU : RTX3080 vscode : 1.78.1 python : 3.9.13 super-gradient : 3.1.0...
How to use Download pretrained model longformer-base-4096 longformer-large-4096 Install environment and code conda create --name longformer python=3.7 conda activate longformer conda install cudatoolkit=10.0 pip install git+https://github.com/allenai/longformer.git ...